Hypnagological method accelerative learning for adults; vol. I

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Learning must be pleasure and not torture. Learning means growing; therefore, it is paramount to libérate one¿s mind from any other contents which might paralyse or mar said growth. This is the essence of the Hypnagological Method of language Teaching/Learning for Adults. Certainly, one is capable of mastering a foreign language in a very tight time frame, but this requires a psychological approach, so as to allow the participant to unblock their prejudicial myths regarding language learning, as well as their negative experiences upon willing to learn another language where obsolete, and sometimes absurd, methodologies, are to blame. The Hypnagological Method is the end result of years of training and experimentation in the utilice of others languages, its first approach being to deliberately and openly employ psychological techniques with the goal of accelerating the learning process to its peak, where Neurolinguistic Programming I(NLP), Suggestological methods, Gestat psychology, and Transactional Analysis are some of the tools utilised by the hypnagological instructor, which leads to optimal results.


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